History in the Making…

A historical event was taking place in South Florida and throughout the world: the Covid 19 Pandemic, the Viper Virus.  Because of the virus, Fort Lauderdale closed their beach during spring break.  Deserted streets, closed businesses, churches and schools –  it didn’t end. Everything was changing rapidly on a daily basis that affected all of us…masks, quarantine, and social-distancing. It was affecting each person in a different way. It was changing our world. People were concerned and scared. We were now living in a virtual world. What does the future hold?

Witness the changes as you watch VIPER VIRUS, History in the Making.

viper virus food line
viper virus john with mask
viper virus couple traveling
viper virus masked limo driver
viper virus target checkout
viper virus costco checkout
viper virus shopper with face shield