Film Festivals

To date, Viper Virus has been accepted into 65 national and international film festivals, and has received 10 awards in various categories, including Best Female Producer, Best Editing and Best Short Documentary. 

For a complete list of festivals & awards Click Here (.pdf)

fort lauderdale international film festival logo

Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival - Fort Lauderdale, FL

I am very honored to be a part of the 35th Annual Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival. Since it’s beginning in 1986, it has grown into a major cultural event in Florida, is known internationally, and is one of the longest film festivals too.

As a participating member for years, Entre Nous Chairperson (FLIFF’s fundraising group), and former Board Member, it gives me great pleasure to have my film, Viper Virus included in this year’s world-renowned festival.

CENFLO film festival logo

Central Florida Film Festival Mount Dora, FL

Viper Virus: History in the Making is included in the 15th Annual Central Florida Film Festival that takes place Jan. 22-24 2021.

CENFLO is known for creating an environment for filmmakers to network and enjoy each other’s work and takes place in beautiful and historical Mount Dora, Florida. I am proud that Viper Virus was accepted.

best shorts competition film festival

The Best Shorts Competition La Jolla, CA

It’s very exciting that my film, Viper Virus received a Women in Film, Award of Recognition in the Best Shorts Competition based in LaJoila, California Sept. 2020.

The Best Shorts Competition discovers and honors the achievement of filmmakers who produce high quality short films and documentaries.

hollywood gold awards logo

Hollywood Gold Awards - Los Angeles, CA

Viper Virus is a proud participant in this monthly international film festival screened in Los Angeles at the Hudson Theatres.

south coast film festival UK

South Coast Film Festival - East Sussex, UK

Viper Virus had it’s first viewing in a country outside of the USA at the South Coast Film Festival in East Sussex, UK.

The festival’s mission is to get filmmakers industry exposure, and it is very exciting that Viper Virus was a part of this international film festival held at the Electric Palace Cinema August 15 & 16 2020.

best shorts competition film festival

Miami Indie Film Festival - Miami, FL

Viper Virus was selected to showcase in The Miami Independent Film Festival. This Film Festival was designed to create a strong relationship between filmmakers, producers and distributors from all over the world.

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viper virus LBTS mask sign
viper virus beach closed sign